Valentine’s Day Sex Drive: All Day, February 14, 2025
Dark Horse has participated in the Valentine’s Day Sex Drive event for since 2020! This will be my 6th year participating!
What: An R-X rated web comic event. Artists with web comics create either a single image piece or a short comic celebrating Valentines day with Bacchanalian revelry. Each participating comic creates their own image/pages and shares the links to all other participants in the event in the author’s comment. This is both to network for artists, but also (and probably most importantly) to share some NSFW art/content with readers thirsty for nudity.
So if it wasn’t clear, this event can and does get pretty raunchy with outright porn. As for me, I tend to do pretty soft pin-ups. (It’s good practice!)
When: February 14, 2025
Where: On my main page for one week (then off to the gallery it goes!) And on all other participating web comic pages. I’ll be sharing their links on my page ๐
How: It’s just going to be posted as a page here in the 14th. Visit this website, and the image will posted February 14. After a few days, I delete the page and move the image to my gallery. So if you want to see the other participants, be sure to check in on the 14th!

The Spot Market (Art Market), December 14, 2024, 12:00pm-5:00pm
The Spot Market
2201 Lloyd Center. 2nd Floor, site 947
Portland, OR 97232

Blue Dragon Art will be tabling at The Spot Market, located inside The Lloyd Center in Portland. For this holiday event, I will be taking chibi caricature commissions (cute, little chubby anime style characters) of either yourself or loved ones to gift for the Holiday Season. (3.5in x 3.5in sketches on Bristol board.) One per person. Guidelines presented at the event. This event is FREE (though tips are appreciated)!
I’ll also be selling hard copies of Dark Horse Acts 1-3 (rated Mature). I’ll also be selling Dark Horse Fashion Zine: Kanna, as well as stickers and zines. I will have my mask on and will have hand sanitizer at my station.
For more information, please visit https://www.instagram.com/spotmarket.pdx/

Portland Zine Symposium, September 21-22, 2024
Portland State University
Smith Ballroom (3rd Floor)
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, OR, 97201
I’ll be selling hard copies of Dark Horse Acts 1-3 (rated Mature). I also have Dark Horse Fashion Zine: Kanna; Aradia Beat: TGIF the 1990s; The Whimper in the Dark Anthology (printed at home); Veganese (a very stripped down indie zine/personal experience); stickers & postcards, and more!
I will have a few copies of FREE ZINES to give away! Limited supply of Comic Fury Zine issues will be FREE and handed to those asking/zine trades. I only have a few copies of Aradia MGC’s Glitter & Gold and Summer in Aradia to give out. I’m trying to balance having some freebees for folks low on cash, some cheapies & some stuff to help pay for prints and cover booth fee (which the booth fee was super reasonable!)
I will have my mask on and will have hand sanitizer at my station. This event in held indoors. Masks are encouraged to help protect at risk folks. It doesn’t hurt to think of others for a couple hours, so please consider wearing yours! :3
For more information, please visit Portland Zine Symposium’s website.
PZS Advert from Portland Zine Symposium (not my artwork, I couldn’t find the artist’s name to credit).

Words & Pictures Comic Jam, Sept 16, 2024
Webcomics Hub! Comics
Blue Dragon Art participated in the 2024 Words & Pictures Comic Jam! Hosted by Webcomics Hub. One Hundred and Sixteen comickers participated! HOLY COW SO MANY GREAT COMICS! You, dear reader, can go over there and vote for your favorite comic until September 16, 2024!! Hurry over and see them all ๐ I’ve participated with the doggie comic Bubble. Pop, featuring Jack Dog and Julius from The Whimper in the Dark.
Toronto Comic Arts Festival, May 11-12, 2024 (Online Store ONLY)
Toronto Reference Library
789 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4W2G8
Digital Market Place: TBA
Blue Dragon Art will be participating in the Toronto Comic Arts Festival’s online Digital Market Place in May of 2024! I will not be able to attend in person, however, I will have goods showcased in my shop that I do not sell here on my website. More information to come, along with the link to the market place, as information is forwarded.
Aradia Collective will also be participating in the Digital Market Place! I will be showing with the collective, and will update links once they are available to me.
I look forward to this opportunity! And thanks to TCAF for accepting me into their Digital Market Place!
For more information, please visit Toronto Comic Arts Festival Official Website.

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive: All Day, February 14, 2024
Dark Horse has participated in the Valentine’s Day Sex Drive event for since 2020! This will be my 5th year participating!
What: An R-X rated web comic event. Artists with web comics create either a single image piece or a short comic celebrating Valentines day with Bacchanalian revelry. Each participating comic creates their own image/pages and shares the links to all other participants in the event in the author’s comment. This is both to network for artists, but also (and probably most importantly) to share some NSFW art/content with readers thirsty for nudity.
So if it wasn’t clear, this event can and does get pretty raunchy with outright porn.
When: February 14, 2024
Where: Right here! And on all other participating web comic pages. I’ll be sharing their links on my page ๐
How: It’s just going to be posted as a page here in the 14th. Visit this website, and the image will posted February 14. After a few days, I private the page and move the image to my gallery. So if you want to see the other participants, be sure to check in on the 14th!
Portland Zine Symposium, October 28-29, 2023
Portland State University
Smith Ballroom (3rd Floor)
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, OR, 97201
I’ll be selling hard copies of Dark Horse Acts 1-3 (rated Mature). I will also have “cheapie” zines of self printed Dark Horse one-shots, Kristina Kool, and The Whimper in the Dark. I will have a few copies of FREE ZINES to give away! Limited supply of Comic Fury Zine issues will be FREE and handed to those asking/zine trades. I may also hand out free copies of collective only Aradia zines, provided I get permission (will update this as I find out).
I will have my mask on and will have hand sanitizer at my station. This event in held indoors and will have air conditioning should be still be experiencing unreasonable levels of heat in October, or should it be raining.
For more information, please visit Portland Zine Symposium’s website.
PZS Advert illustrated by Alex Chiu
Words & Pictures Comic Jam, September 16, 2023

Webcomics Hub & BAM! Comics
Blue Dragon Art participated in the 2023 Words & Pictures Comic Jam! Hosted by Webcomics Hub and BAM! Comics. Forty-four comickers participated, and I rated somewhere in the middle (which I’m very happy for! Watch the judging stream here:
Thank you to anyone who shared, checked it out, and *especially* supported this Kickstarter Project! If you missed out on it, I will be receiving copies to put up for sale in my shop, but you can also reach out the coordinator Naan to secure a copy ๐ Let me know if you want a copy, and I can get you in contact with Naan, or keep you on my contact list for when I have them for sale in my shop :3

For more information, please visit Aradia Magical Girl Collective Kickstarter Page or Twitter https://twitter.com/AradiaCollect

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive: All Day, February 14, 2023
Dark Horse has participated in the Valentine’s Day Sex Drive event for since 2020! This will be our 4th year participating!
What: An R-X rated web comic event. Artists with web comics create either a single image piece or a short comic celebrating Valentines day with Bacchian revelry. Each participating comic creates their own image/pages and shares the links to all other participants in the event in the author’s comment. This is both to network for artists, but also (and probably most importantly) to share some NSFW art/content with readers thirsty for nudity.
So if it wasn’t clear, this event can and does get pretty raunchy with outright porn.
When: February 14, 2023
Where: Right here! And on all other participating web comic pages. I’ll be sharing their links on my page ๐
How: It’s just going to be posted as a page here in the 14th. Visit this website, and the image will posted February 14. After a few days, I private the page and move the image to my gallery. So if you want to see the other participants, be sure to check in on the 14th!
Aradia Magical Girl (person) collective is holding its first ever donation stream to help fund getting a new website!

Aradia Domain Name Fundraiser: 3pm-7pm PST, Saturday & Sunday September 17 & 18, 2022
Aradia Magical Girl Collective
Streaming live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/aradiacollective
While I won’t be participating in the streams directly (I don’t know how to do that XD and I’m a bit shy to do anything live yet), I will be helping moderate the chat this weekend while other members of our collective offer some cool events! Expect art streams, Magical Girl (person) talk, and possibly video games!
For more information, please check out Aradia’s Social Media Networks (Discord updates regularly) Aradia Magical Girl Collective’s Old Website (new one in works…hence fundraiser)

Better Together Art Market: 10am-4pm, Saturday August 20, 2022
True North Studios
455 Northeast 71st Avenue
Portland, OR, 97213
Get Chibi-fied! This year, Blue Dragon Art will be doing one FREE Chibi art for anyone wanting to get “chibi-fied!” This is a complimentary promotion specially for the Better Together Art Market.
I’ll also be selling hard copies of Dark Horse Acts 1-3 (rated Mature). I’ll have some traditional art for sale, and stickers as well! Free 1″ button with $20 purchase or higher (while supplies last). I will have my mask on and will have hand sanitizer at my station. I will also have a canopy in case of rain.
For more information, please visit True North’s Official Website

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive: All Day, February 14, 2022
Dark Horse has participated in the Valentine’s Day Sex Drive event for since 2020! This will be our 3rd year participating!
What: An R-X rated web comic event. Artists with web comics create either a single image piece or a short comic celebrating Valentines day with Bacchian revelry. Each participating comic creates their own image/pages and shares the links to all other participants in the event in the author’s comment. This is both to network for artists, but also (and probably most importantly) to share some NSFW art/content with readers thirsty for nudity.
So if it wasn’t clear, this event can and does get pretty raunchy with outright porn.
When: February 14, 2022
Where: Right here! And on all other participating web comic pages. I’ll be sharing their links on my page ๐
How: It’s just going to be posted as a page here in the 14th. Visit this website, and the image will posted February 14. After a few days, I private the page and move the image to my gallery. So if you want to see the other participants, be sure to check in on the 14th!
Winter is coming, and so are more Portland outdoor events!

Penguin Park Winter Maker’s Market: 2pm-8pm, December 4, 2021
Penguin Park
56524 N. Albina Ave.
Portland, OR, 97217
It’s a gonna be a Winter Wonderland (maybe? Kinda sorta) at the 2021 Penguin Maker’s Market!
Get your loved one a unique, hand made sticker (and hand cut out)! Looking for a glossy print as a gift? I’ve got several to choose from! Looking for some original, hand created traditional artwork to gift someone? I got you covered!
I’ll have comic books (Dark Horse Acts 1-3), stickers, prints, and traditional art pieces. Free handmade button with $20 purchase or higher (while supplies last). I will have my mask on and will also have hand sanitizer at my station. I will also have a canopy. I’m gonna be there come rain or shine, so I hope you stop by! Buy local, support indie artists! Gifts for you or for someone you love! Win/Win for everyone.
For more information, please visit Penguin Park Maker’s Market.

Summer Artist’s Market: 10am-4pm, August 28, 2021
True North Studios
455 Northeast 71st Avenue
Portland, OR, 97213
I’ll have comic books (Dark Horse Acts 1-3) stickers, prints, and traditional art pieces. Free button with $20 purchase or higher (while supplies last). I will have my mask on and will also have hand sanitizer at my station. I will also have a canopy to provide shade for visitors.
For more information, please visit True North’s Official Website

Web Comic Library Convention: 2-6pm EST, August 21-22, 2021
Web Comic Library-Magical Girls in Web Comics Panel runs from 3-4pm EST, part of a 2 day convention!
Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/webcomiclibrary
During the 3pm EST “Magical Girls in Web Comics” panel, I will be joining other magical girl web comic creators to discuss various topics surrounding the Magical Girls genre. Panel hosted by Naan of Aradia Magical Girl Collective. Other Aradia members on the panel include:
Feather J. Fern, creator of Gravitational Pull
Kata Kane, creator of Alter Girl
Kristen Komall-Evans (Batichi), creator of XII: Of Magic & Muses
Naan, creator of Legendary Beings Ara & Celi
Rink, creator of Saffron Wave
For more information, please visit @WebComicLibrary
WCL Main Site: https://tagpacker.com/user/webcomic.library
Con+Alt+Delete: Dec. 20-22, 2019
Hyatt Regency O’Hare
9300 Bryn Mawr Ave
Rosemont, IL 60018
I’ll have comic books (Dark Horse Acts 1 & 2), stickers, prints, and more! Free bookmarks and stickers while supplies last (100 bookmarks to give out per day). Free button with $20 purchase or higher (while supplies last).
For more information, please visit Con+Alt+Delete’s Official Website