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No post this week

No post this week published on No Comments on No post this week

Hey all! Haven’t talk about it much here, but I’d been taking a non-credit graphic novels course that just ended this week. As such, our final project was due Wednesday, and while I got today’s page sketched, I have yet to ink and tone it. Today and this weekend are packed, so I’ll have to skip this week (was going to bang it out today, but I’m not gonna lie: I’m a tired XD

The good news is I have two pages sketched! So I’ll ink them both probably Sunday and have then page ready to go for next Friday.

I am going to take the follow up course, and class starts on March 31…so there may be some more times I have to skip pages. I feel really good about the two pages I got sketched last night, and I did myself a favor and fleshed out my thumbnails really well, which has been helping me when I do the full on sketch :3

Anyway, that’s all I got to say. Thank you for your patience, and we’ll see ya next Friday!


Act Fourteen

Act Fourteen published on No Comments on Act Fourteen

Coming this Friday! Yes! Finally! It’s here. I’ve still not got a buffer, but I am proud to announce I will begin posting Act Fourteen: Looking Glass!

I’ve got a class this semester, as well as Comic Fury Zine, Kool Whirled, existing (ie: Hamon Overdrive on cooking from scratch to save us $$ so that we can try to get a house and property and move my family closer so we can care for one another). Sooooo all that means I have a lot of my plate, and while I’m going to try to have weekly updates, I predict I will falter a bit in this endeavor. Fear not! I shall try my best. I’m super stoked for this chapter and have some fun stuff in store as well as starting to get to a bit of the core of each character (so this is a “calm before the storm” chapter so we can learn a bit more about each character’s personal motivations, as well as get a glimpse into the world of the future :3

I hope to deliver without being heavy handed. I prefer to be a bit subtle in my subtext, but I realize that leaves all kinds of space for my ineptitude of getting my ideas across.

Whelp, here we go! Can’t fix things if I don’t get the story out 😀

Thank you all for your patience and readership!!

~Blue Dragon/Ashleen

Act Thirteen, Page Thirty-Seven

Act Thirteen, Page Thirty-Seven published on No Comments on Act Thirteen, Page Thirty-Seven

And that concludes Act Thirteen!

I’m going to take another short hiatus was I work on thumbnails and pages. We’ll be back in Mid-Late December!

Thank you so incredibly much for reading! I appreciate ya’ll so much, and I hope you are enjoying the story.