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Hiatus Over! Pages resumed May 24, 2024

Hiatus Over! Pages resumed May 24, 2024 published on No Comments on Hiatus Over! Pages resumed May 24, 2024

Hello readers!

If you’ve been checking in, you probably don’t need this message. But I wanted to update the post under all pages to reassure new comers that Dark Horse has resumed posting pages weekly, starting on May 24, 2024.

Patrons get pages a little (or a LOT) early, depending on how much of a buffer I have. Right now, Patrons and SubscribeStar Members have received Page 22 of Forging the Path!

As always, thank you for your time and readership! I’ve been stoked to finally reach the “present day” in the comic 😀

For those of you interested in Dark Horse Fashion Zine: Kanna, you can purchase digital or print copies in my Square shop (this is project that had me put the comic on hold in April, 2024). Digital copies are $5; Print copies are $11 + shipping. Printed locally in the U.S., ColorHaus Printing.

Talk to ya’ll later!


Very Very Short Hiatus-Read for Info

Very Very Short Hiatus-Read for Info published on No Comments on Very Very Short Hiatus-Read for Info

Hey everyone,

First, thanks to anyone who’s taken time to stop by this comic. I’m grateful for any time you spend reading. Thank you!

Second, as some of you returning readers may notice (and possibly new readers), I’ve had a bit of trouble uploading pages. This is in part, because I have a deadline for the May 11-12, 2024 Toronto Comic Arts Festival: and that is the Dark Horse Fashion Book: Kanna. I say “in part,” as I’ve also had a on going paid gig (which I love, but takes time), had to finish a Comic Fury Zine, and a string of other projects that have been piling up in addition to videos. I am getting close to having this zine completed.

I am going to try to have a page ready by next week (April 26, 2024). I am so sorry to have to delay pages. But as I was working on the next one, I realized my already not particularly high quality work (boo hoo, don’t feel sorry for me, I am proud of any progress I make) was starting to decline. Just stretching myself too thin right now.

I have finished inking the last full bodied outfit for the Fashion Book, and have it left to digitally color. I also have a shoe, accessory, jewelry, spread/section to complete, as well as backgrounds and text. So pretty much the whole zine: and the digital shop for the TCAF opens in early May! I have to focus on getting this book done so I can send it to my local printer and get it completed in time for the festival.

I want to thank you all for your patience. This is not going to be a long disruption, as I am going to try to keep working on pages, but I wanted to give a more detailed explanation as to why we’ve had a hiccup in page uploads.

We’ll be back very soon! Ideally I’ll have a page every other week starting April 26, and then ramping up to weekly updates once I get the zine completed and I can play “catch up.”

Thank you again for your patience,

Blue Dragon/Ashleen Woods Arnett

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2024

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2024 published on No Comments on Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2024

Since it’s now March, I’ve removed the VDSD image of Oisin. You can now find it in the NSFW section of the Dark Horse Extras. To preserve all those who participated, I’m leaving the links here in this post/comment. If you’d like to check them out, you can visit them below. Self explanatory, but these are NOT safe for work.


Brad Guigar – Evil Inc | Jaycee Knight – Bloomin’ Faeries | Centcomm – Datachasers | Team Lady Valiant – Lady Valiant | MonicaNG – MoonSlayer | Julie Devin – Monster Soup | Amy Letts – Epic Fail | Midnight – Danger Zone One | Lou Graziani – Cy-Boar | Darksh1ne – Monstroniverse Adventures | The Letter M – The Restless Dead | Blue Dragon – Dark Horse | Lightfoot – Pulse | Stilldown – Ariane Eldar’s Personal Place | Stilldown – Theater Of The Bloody Tongue | Sheryl Schopfer – Sharpclaw | Sheryl Schopfer – Deer Me | Arne Cooper – The Androssian Prophecy | Utzsar – Rocks | Holly Laing – Terra Incognita | The Exiern Team – Exiern Valentines Day Sex Drive 2024 Reading Order Read Me First! (This Page Safe for Work!) | The Exiern Team – Exiern (Read this page 1st after the Reading Order page! Then vote for Exiern on Top Webcomics 2nd!) | The Exiern Team – Exiern: Dark Reflections (Read this page 3rd! Then vote for Exiern on Top Webcomics 4th!) | The Exiern Team – Dark Reflections – Zen (Read this page 5th!) | The Exiern Team – Dark Reflections – Chaos (Read this page 6th!) | The Exiern Team – Exiern Extras (Read this page 7th!) | The Exiern Team – Exiern v1.0 (Read this page 8th!) | Hentai High – Hentai High | PronQuest – Pron Quest | Barry Linck – Phineus+ Magician for Hire | MiraKirall – The Ace of The Spades | sidaragasum – Locked in Imagination | David A Webcomic – David: A Webcomic | Kawaii Kissu – Kawaii Kissu | Jim and Alli Perry – My Hero | Momoru – Mildreth of the Night | Momoru – Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files | Microraptor – Cryptida | rulerbrain – Selling Smiles | Mark Egan – Bata Neart | Mark Egan – Back Office | Zach Vanzile – West Tree Academy of Heroes | Ben Bourbon – Devilbear: The Grimoires of Bearalzebub | SpaceGoblin – By The Book | Gojiramon – CKarrus | Nick Greaves – The Great Isle of Prentil | Dizzaster Juice – Offworld: The Crease | Marshall Reeves – Yesterday Bound | Sean Harrington – Spying With Lana | John Harrington – Super Rivals | Lirvilas – Grinder$ | J.E. Draft – The Challenges of Zona | yellowgerbil – Zoe the Vampire | Stef Marcinkowski – Sarah Zero

Aradia Beat Kickstarter a Success!

Aradia Beat Kickstarter a Success! published on No Comments on Aradia Beat Kickstarter a Success!

Thank you all who either checked out, shared, and/or supported our collective’s Aradia Beat Magical Girl TGIF the 1990s zine Kickstarter 😀

We were able to not only fund the project, but also successfully reach TWO of our stretch goals! This would not have been possible without the hard work of the zine’s coordinator, Naan, the whole collective, the fantastic contributors from outside of our collective, and of course the wonderful people who pledged to the campaign! I am humbled by the generosity of others, and I also am grateful for such a wonderful group of people to work with! The comics and art and stories and activities are really amazing! So many different people, from a lot of different backgrounds came together for this venture. And it was a good experience! Thank you 😀

Didn’t get a chance to pledge? Interested in getting a copy? Once the final edits are complete and the zine is printed, I have taken out orders to sell some in my shop (no, this was NOT part of the crowd funding: contributors had a completely different order process that was separate from the Kickstarter). Once they are available, I’ll be sure to update the, um, Updates page, as well as post the announcement down here.

If you’re interested in being contacted directly, please let me know. My business email is

Thank you all once more!

~Blue Dragon

2023 Updates

2023 Updates published on No Comments on 2023 Updates

So, I don’t use the “post” section of this website much. But I figure I should probably be announcing updates or something…so anyone interested in seeing what’s up for 2023, as well as some shop keep from 2022, please remember we’ve got an “updates” page right here. Aside from some planned trips to scatter Dad’s remains to the places he loved, I do not have any plans for 2023 that should take away from my work schedule. So…here’s to a hopefully better year than 2022! And 2021! And 2020! Ah hell, I should just give up hoping the years will not be shitty XD Let’s make the best of things and support and love one another, friends XD



Attention VDSD Visitors

Attention VDSD Visitors published on No Comments on Attention VDSD Visitors

Just in case people are having trouble finding yesterday’s page post for the Valentine’s Day Sex Drive, my website always updates on Tuesdays, so hitting the “previous page button” will take you to Monday’s VDSD Page 😀 At the top of the comic, it’s just the inside left arrow. At the bottom, you’d click Odysseus (he’s the dude with green shirt on).

You can also click here to find it! After VDSD event, these images are moved to the NSFW Gallery to preserve the flow of the story 😀 Find the Extra Images in my gallery here. 4/9/2022

Or you can see just the image here, but you won’t see all the links to everyone else’s page unless you visit the previous page. There’s a lot of great art this year, so I recommend checking them out!

The image will be removed from the comic pages in March, to prevent the flow of the story from being disrupted. I did not hide the image behind a pay wall or vote wall, but I always appreciate votes on Top Ten Webcomics! (Completed 4/9/2022)

Also, apologies for the confusion! I have my pages scheduled out to like, June, so I forgot this would even change XD

Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoy the image 😀

~Blue Dragon

Image moved, page removed. We’ll be back in 2023 for next year’s VDSD! (4/9/2022)

It Begins!

It Begins! published on No Comments on It Begins!

Thanks for joining me on this journey! You’re embarking on the first installment of The Crystal Lotus Chronicles: Dark Horse. This comic reads right to left* left to right, and primarily is black and white with color splash pages! I welcome you, and hope you enjoy the trip!

Be forewarned: Dark Horse is NSFW and will have scenes that may act as a trigger to people with some forms of PTSD. When we get to the chapter dealing with this scene, I will post a warning out of respect to those who may be sensitive to the subject matter.

If you’re a kid…skedattle (how old am I?) This starts out pretty innocent (aside from cursing,) but there’s nudity, violence, some sex, and adult situations in the comic later on, and I’m not your parents.

Okay, all the disclaimers aside, let’s get this magical mystery tour started!

~Blue Dragon

*Edit: It now reads from left to right. All pages are flipped :3